• 姓       名:


    职       称:


    学       历:






  • 主要工作经历及业绩

    2020年-至今 同济大学建筑系副教授 博导

    2016年-至今 同济大学建筑系助理教授 硕导

    2016年 苏黎世联邦理工学院未来城市实验室博士后

  • 文章


    first / corresponding author

    1.Wu, C., Zhao, M., & Ye, Y.* (2022) “Measuring urban nighttime vitality and its relationship with urban spatial structure: A data-driven approach”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI Q2), DOI: 10.1177/23998083221108191

    2.Jiang, Y., Han, Y., & Ye, Y.* (2022) “Street vitality and built environment features: A data-informed approach from fourteen Chinese cities”, Sustainable Cities and Society (SSCI Q1), 79, 103724.

    3.Han, S., Ye, Y.*, Song, Y., Yan, S., Shi, F., Zhang, Y., ... & Song, D. (2022). A systematic review of objective factors influencing behavior in public open spaces. Frontiers in Public Health(SSCI Q2), 10, 898136

    4.Ye, X., Du, J., & Ye, Y.* (2021) “MasterplanGAN: Facilitating the smart rendering of urban master plans via generative adversarial networks”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI Q1), 23998083211023516.

    5.Shi, C., Liu, M., and Ye, Y.* (2021) “Measuring the Degree of Balance between Urban and Tourism Development: An Analytical Approach Using Cellular Data”, Sustainability (SSCI Q2), 13(17), 9598.

    6.Tang, Z., Ye, Y.*, Jiang, Z., Fu, C., Huang, R., and Yao, D. (2020) “A data-informed analytical approach to human-scale greenway planning: Integrating multi-sourced urban data with machine learning algorithms”, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (SSCI Q1), 56, 126871.

    7.Zhong, T., Lü, G., Zhong, X., Tang, H., and Ye, Y*. (2020) “Measuring human-scale living convenience through multi-sourced urban data and a geodesign approach: Buildings as analytical units”, Sustainability (SSCI Q2), 12(11), 4712.

    8.Ye, Y., Wang, Z., Dong, N., and Zhou, X. (2020) “Tall Buildings' Lower Public Spaces: Impact on Health and Behavior”. CTBUH Journal, No.1:26-33.

    9.Ye, Y., Zeng, W., Shen, Q., Zhang, X., & Lu, Y. (2019) “The visual quality of streets: A human-centred continuous measurement based on machine learning algorithms and street view images”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI Q1), Vol. 46, No. 8, 1439-1457.

    10.Ye, Y.*, Richards, D., Lu, Y., et al. (2019) “Measuring daily accessed street greenery: A human-scale approach for informing better urban planning practices”, Landscape and Urban Planning (SSCI Q1). Vol.191, No.11, 103434 (ESI高被引论文)

    11.Wang, X., Ye, Y*, Chan, K. (2019) “Space in a Social Movement: A Case Study of Occupy Central in Hong Kong in 2014”, Space and Culture (SSCI Q2). Vol.22, No.4, 434-448

    12.Zhang, L., Ye, Y.*, Zeng, W. and Chiaradia, A. (2019) “A Systematic Measurement of Street Quality through Multi-Sourced Urban Data: A Human-Oriented Analysis”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI Q1), Vol. 16, 1782.

    13.Ye, Y.*, Xie, H., Fang, J.*, et al. (2019) “Daily Accessed Street Greenery and Housing Price: Measuring Economic Performance of Human-Scale Streetscapes via New Urban Data”, Sustainability (SSCI Q2), Vol. 11, No.6, 1741.

    14.Ye, Y., Li, D. and Liu, X.* (2018) “How block density and typology affect urban vitality: An exploratory analysis in Shenzhen, China”, Urban Geography (SSCI Q1). Vol.39, No.4, 631-652. (ESI高被引论文)

    15.Ye, Y.*, Yeh, A., Zhuang, Y., et al. (2017) “Form Syntax as a contribution to geodesign -- a morphological tool for urbanity making in urban design”, Urban Design International (A&HCI), Vol.22, No.1, 73-90.

    16.Ye, Y.* and van Nes, A. (2014) “Quantitative tools in urban morphology: combining space syntax, spacematrix, and mixed-use index in a GIS framework”, Urban Morphology (A&HCI), Vol.18, No.2, 97-118.

    17.Ye, Y.* and van Nes, A. (2014) “The spatial flaws of new towns: Morphological comparison between a Chinese new and old town through the application of space syntax, spacematrix and mixed use index”, A | Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol.11, No.2, 192-208.

    18.Ye, Y.* and van Nes, A. (2013) “Measuring urban maturation processes in Dutch and Chinese new towns: Combining street network configuration with building density and degree of land use diversification through GIS”, Journal of Space Syntax, Vol. 4, No.2, 17-37


    1.Wang, S., Zeng, W., Chen, X., Ye, Y., Qiao, Y., and Fu, C. W. (2021) “ActFloor-GAN: Activity-Guided Adversarial Networks for Human-Centric Floorplan Design”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Online first.

    2.Jiang, Y., Chen, L., Grekousis, G., Xiao, Y., Ye, Y., and Lu, Y. (2021) “Spatial disparity of individual and collective walking behaviors: a new theoretical framework”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 101, 103096.

    3.Zhong, T., Ye, C., Wang, Z., Tang, G., Zhang, W., and Ye, Y. (2021) “City-Scale Mapping of Urban Façade Color Using Street-View Imagery”, Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1591.

    4.Chen, L., Lu, Y.*, Sheng, Q., Ye, Y., Wang, R., & Liu, Y. (2020). Estimating pedestrian volume using Street View images: A large-scale validation test. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 81, 101481.

    5.Lu, Y.* and Ye, Y. (2019) “Can people memorize multilevel building as volumetric map? A study of multilevel atrium building”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI Q1), Vol. 46, No.2, 225-242.

    6.Lu, Y.*, Gou, Z., Ye, Y., Shen. Q. (2019) “Three-dimensional visibility graph analysis and its application”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SSCI Q1). Vol. 46, No.5, 948-962.

    7.Zeng, W., and Ye, Y. (2018). VitalVizor: A Visual Analytics System for Studying Urban Vitality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (SCI Q2), Vol.38, No. 5, 38-53.

    8.Li, Y.*, Ye. Y., and Xiao, L. (2017) “Balancing Community Space Protection and Tourism Development at a Historic Site through Cognitive Map and GPS Tracking: the Case of Gulangyu, China”, Urban Design International (A&HCI), Vol.22, No.2, 127-149.

    9.Shen, Q., Zheng, W*., Ye, Y., etc. (2018) “StreetVizor: Visual Exploration of Human-Scale Urban Forms Based on Street Views”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (SCI Q1). Vol. 22, No.1, 1004-1013

    10.Lu, Y.*, Sarkar, C., Ye. Y., and Xiao, Y. (2017) “Using the Online Walking Journal to explore the relationship between campus environment and walking behaviour”, Journal of Transport & Health (SSCI Q2), No. 5, 123-132.

    11.Lu, Y.*, Xiao, Y., and Ye. Y. (2017) “Urban Density, Diversity and Design: Is more always better for walking? A study from Hong Kong”, Preventive Medicine (SSCI Q2). Vol. 103, S99-S103

    12.Li, Y.*, Xiao, L., and Ye. Y. (2016) “Understanding tourist space at a historic site through space syntax analysis: The case of Gulangyu, China”, Tourism Management (SSCI Q1), Vol. 52, No.1, 30-43.


    1.叶宇,强丹,韩赟*. 计算性城市设计尝试——上海小陆家嘴公共空间品质提升计划[J].新建筑,2022, (4):94-99

    2.叶宇*,张塨,韩赟. 基于多源数据与具身循证技术的建成环境审计——以上海临港新城滴水湖站点广场为例[J].风景园林,2022, (9):11-17

    3.陈志敏,强丹,叶宇*.高密度建成环境下的三维步行网络优化——基于sDNA的精准城市设计尝试[J].新建筑,2022, (3):2-8

    4.陈志敏,黄鎔,黄莹,陈筝,叶宇*.街道空间宜步行性的精细化测度与导控——基于虚拟现实与可穿戴生理传感器的循证分析[J].中国园林,2022, 38(1):70-75

    5.叶宇, 殷若晨, 胡杨, 等. 精准城市形态对街道温度的影响测度与设计应对[J]. 风景园林, 2021 (8): 58-65.

    6.蒋应红,狄迪,叶丹,叶宇*.新城市科学支持下的城市街道空间品质综合评价:以上海市中心城区为例[J].规划师,2021, 37(16):5-12





    11.叶宇, 周锡辉, 王桢栋*. 高层建筑低区公共空间社会效用的定量测度与导控 以虚拟现实与生理传感技术为实现途径[J]. 时代建筑, 2019 (6): 152-159.

    12.叶宇,张昭希*,曾伟,张啸虎. 人本尺度的街道空间品质测度—— 结合街景数据和新分析技术的大规模、高精度评价框架[J]. 国际城市规划, 2019(1): 18-27.


    14.樊钧, 唐皓明, 叶宇*. 街道慢行品质的多维度评价与导控策略——基于多源城市数据的整合分析[J]. 规划师, 2019 (14): 1.

    15.叶宇*. 新城市科学背景下的城市设计新可能[J]. 西部人居环境学刊, 2019,34(1): 1-11.

    16.葛岩,叶宇*,胡浩,唐皓明,祁艳. 新城市科学支持下的人本尺度“城市双修”实践——以开封为例[J]. 城市建筑,2019,16(19):118-127.

    17.叶宇*, 仲腾, 钟秀明. 城市尺度下的建筑色彩定量化测度——基于街景数据与机器学习的人本视角分析[J]. 住宅科技, 2019 (5): 2.

    18.叶宇, 张灵珠*, 颜文涛, 曾伟. 街道绿化品质的人本视角测度框架——基于百度街景数据和机器学习的大规模分析[J]. 风景园林, 2018(8): 24-29.

    19.叶宇,戴晓玲. 新技术与新数据条件下的空间感知与设计运用可能 [J]. 时代建筑,2017(5):6-13.

    20.叶宇*, 庄宇. 新区空间形态与活力的演化假说:基于街道可达性、建筑密度及形态,以及功能混合度的整合分析[J]. 国际城市规划,2017, 32(2): 43-49.

    21.叶宇*, 庄宇. 国际城市设计专业教育模式浅析—— 基于多所知名高校城市设计专业教育的比较[J]. 国际城市规划,2017, 32(1): 85-90.

    22.叶宇*, 庄宇,张灵珠,Akkelies van Nes. 城市设计中活力营造的形态学探究—基于城市空间形态特征量化分析与居民活动检验[J]. 国际城市规划,2016, 31(1): 26-33.

    23.叶宇, 魏宗财*,王海军. 大数据时代的城市规划响应[J]. 规划师, 2014, 30(8):5-11.

    24.叶宇*, 庄宇. 城市形态学中量化分析方法的涌现[J]. 城市设计, 2016, 2(4): 56-65.

    25.李渊,叶宇. 历史城镇社区记忆场所的分类与优化—以鼓浪屿为例的认知地图与GPS追踪的叠合分析 [J].建筑学报, 2016(6), 22-25.

    26.龙瀛,叶宇. 人本尺度城市形态:测度、效应评估及规划设计响应[J].南方建筑, 2016(5), 41-47.

  • 科研项目

    1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52078343, 基于多源数据和深度学习的公共空间品质评价模型与设计支持研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 58万元, 在研, 主持

    2.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51708410, 街道空间界面宜步行性的精细化测度及设计导控研究——以上海为例, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 23万元, 结题, 主持

    3.上海市科委, 上海市自然科学基金面上项目, 20ZR1462200, 多源数据与城市计算支持下的市民生活便利度测度模型研究, 2020-07 至 2023-06, 20万元, 在研, 主持

    4.上海市人力资源和社会保障局, 上海市浦江人才计划, 17PJC107, 基于街景大数据和便携式生理传感器的大规模街道空间品质评价, 2017-09 至 2019-08, 10万元, 结题, 主持

    5.住房与城乡建设部, 住房与城乡建设部2017年度科学技术计划, UDC2017010412, 基于多源城市大数据与深度学习的城市空间品质评价与设计导控, 2017-07 至 2018-12, 10万元, 结题, 主持

  • 获奖

