建筑系助理教授,硕士生导师,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)设计与建筑学院哲学博士(国家留学基金委公派),同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士后(中国博士后国际交流计划引进),上海市“浦江人才”。研究领域聚焦于城市更新与土地政策、公共空间转型及其治理、土地产权及其社会空间影响。相关研究成果和评论文章发表在 Cities、Urban Design International、American Journal of Economics and Sociology、Norweigian Journal of Geography 等国际期刊。著有英文专著《Pseudo-Public Spaces in Chinese Shopping Malls》(London & New York: Routledge)。承担联合国人居署(UN-Habitat)、中国教育部、国家自然科学基金委、上海市科委、住建委等单位资助的课题7项,其中主持4项。担任 Housing Studies、Journal of Urban Affairs、City & Community 等多本城市研究领域权威国际期刊审稿人。
● Chen, J., Wang, Y.* Ambiguous property rights as a double-edged sword: A case study of industrial land redevelopment in Shanghai, China, Cities, 2022, vol.126, July, 103686. (SSCI)
● Wang, Y.* Review of Franklin Obeng-Odoom 2021: The Commons in an Age of Uncertainty: Decolonizing Nature, Economy, and Society, University of Toronto Press, Land Use Policy, 2022, in revision. (SSCI)
● Chen, J., Wang, Y. Power relations in industrial land redevelopment and loss of industrial heritage in Chongqing, China. in Donnellan, C. eds. The Complex City: Social and Built Approaches and Methods. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2022.
● Wang, Y., Chen, J.* Privatizing the urban commons under ambiguous property rights in China: Is marketization a remedy to the tragedy of the commons?, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2021, vol.80, no.2, pp.503-547. (SSCI)
● Wang, Y.*, Chen, J. Does the rise of pseudo-public space lead to the ‘end of public space’ in large Chinese cities? Evidence from Shanghai and Chongqing, Urban Design International, 2018, vol.23, no.3, pp.215-235. (SSCI)
● Wang, Y.* A critique of the socio-spatial debate and the publicness of urban space, Norwegian Journal of Geography, 2018, vol.72, no.3, pp.161-175. (SSCI)
● 王一名. “空间修复”视角下的西方城市公共空间公共性特征解读, 现代城市研究, 2023, 录用待刊.(中文核心)
● 王一名, 伍江*, 周鸣浩. 城市更新与地方经济:全球化危机背景下的争论、反思与启示, 国际城市规划, 2020, vol.35, no.3, pp.1-8.(中文核心,CSSCI-E)
● 王一名, 陈洁. 西方研究中城市空间公共性的组成维度及“公共”与“私有”的界定特征, 国际城市规划, 2017, vol.32, no.3, pp.59-67.(中文核心,CSSCI-E)
● 王一名, 陈洁. 国外城市空间公共性评价研究及其对中国的借鉴和启示, 城市规划学刊, 2016, no.6, pp.72-82.(CSSCI)
● Wang, Y., Chen, J. Waterfront urban regeneration in post-industrial Shanghai: publicness and policy suggestions for making more inclusive public spaces, 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress. Doha, Qatar, 8-12 November 2020.
● Chen, J., Wang, Y. The cultural approach to industrial heritage reuse: experience from Shanghai, China, 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress. Doha, Qatar, 8-12 November 2020.
● Wang, Y., Chen, J. Understanding the complexity of urban public life in privately owned public spaces in China: three case studies in Shanghai, AMPS conference proceeding of The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment. City, University of London (CITY), United Kingdom, 17-19 June 2020.
● Wang, Y., Chen, J. How public? New public spaces in neoliberal Chinese cities: case studies in Chongqing, 2017 International Conference on China Urban Development. University College London (UCL), United Kingdom, 5-6 May 2017.
● Wang, Y. Methods of assessing the publicness of pseudo-public space: a review and directions for future research, 21st Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, 8-10 July 2015.
● Wang, Y., Chen, J. Developing a walkable compact city: experience from Chongqing, The 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. Gwangju, Korea, 22-25 October 2012.
专著 Monographs
● Wang, Y. Pseudo-Public Spaces in Chinese Shopping Malls: Rise, Publicness and Consequences. London & New York: Routledge, 2019.
● 国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目:城市更新背景下商业用地公共空间的社会活力测度及设计导控研究——以上海为例,2022-2024,30万元.
● 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助项目:基于估值法的私有公共空间公共性量化评价研究,2020-2021,8万元.
● 上海市“浦江人才”计划资助项目:上海私有公共空间公共性的精细化测度及设计导控研究,2019-2021,15万元.
● 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目资助课题:中国大型商业综合体中的伪公共空间:崛起、公共性及影响,2013-2018,8.16万澳元.
● 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”资助项目:城市更新区域三维数字模型技术研究及应用示范,2019-2022,150万元,排名13/19.
● 上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会软科学研究专用基金资助项目:城市有机更新系统性研究,2019,8万元,排名4/9.
● 上海市科委“科技创新研发计划”资助项目:长三角地区零碳小镇综合生态技术集成与示范研究,2017-2021,500万元,博士后研究员.
● 获同济大学“优秀出站博士后”, 2021
● 入选上海市“浦江人才”计划, 2019
● 入选“中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目”, 2019
● 获中国国家留学基金委全额奖学金, 2013
● 获澳大利亚悉尼科技大学国际研究奖学金, 2013
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