2004- now, Professor (Chair) of Landscape, Department of Landscape The University of Sheffield, UK
2010-2014,Head of Department Department of Landscape The University of Sheffield, UK
BISHOP, I. D., E. LANGE & A. M. MAHBUBUL 2004: Estimation of the influence of view components on apartment pricing using a public survey and GIS modeling.
Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design
, Vol. 31 (3), 439-452.
DOWNES, M. & E. LANGE 2015: What you see is not always what you get: A qualitative, comparative analysis of ex ante visualizations with ex post photography of landscape and architectural projects.
Landscape and Urban Planning,
Vol. 142, 136-146.
GILL, L., E. A. HATHWAY, E. LANGE, E. MORGAN & D. ROMANO 2013: Coupling real-time 3D landscape models with microclimate simulations.
International Journal of E-Planning Research,
2(1), 1-19.
GILL, L. & E. LANGE 2015. Getting virtual 3D landscapes out of the lab.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
, Vol. 54, 356-362.
GILL, L., E. LANGE, E. MORGAN & D. ROMANO 2013: An analysis of usage of different types of visualisation media within a collaborative planning workshop environment.
Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design,
Vol. 40 (4), 742-754.
GLOOR, C., D. CAVENS, E. LANGE, K. NAGEL & W. SCHMID 2003: A Pedestrian Simulation for very Large Scale Applications. In: A. Koch & P. Mandl (Eds.): Multi- Agenten-Systeme in der Geographie. Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Klagenfurt.
Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften
, 23, 167-188.
HABERL, H., D. SPRINZ, M. BONAZOUNTAS, P. COCCO, Y. DESAUBIES, M. HENZE, O. HERTEL, R. K. JOHNSON, U. KASTRUP, P. LACONTE, E. LANGE, P. NOVAK, J. PAAVOLA, A. REENBERG, S. VAN DEN HOVE, T. VERMEIRE, P. WADHAMS & T. SEARCHINGER 2012: Correcting a fundamental error in greenhouse gas accounting related to bioenergy. Energy Policy 45, 18-23.
HEHL-LANGE, S. & E. LANGE 1999: Planen mit virtuellen Braunkohlelandschaften. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 31 (10), 301-307.
HEHL-LANGE, S. & E. LANGE 2005: Ein partizipativer, computergestützter Planungsansatz für ein Windenergieprojekt mit Hilfe eines virtuellen Landschaftsmodells. Natur & Landschaft, 80 (4), 148-153.
HELLER, M. & E. LANGE 1993: CAD, GIS und
visuelle Simulation in der Planung.
DISP, Dokumente und Informationen zur Schweizerischen Orts-, Regional- und
114, 3-10.
JONES, C. R., E. LANGE, J. KANG, A. TSUCHIYA, R. HOWELL, A. WHILE, R. J. CRISP, J. STEEL, K. MEADE, F. QU, D. STURGE & A. BRAY 2015: WindNet: Improving the impact assessment of wind power projects.
AIMS energy
, Volume 2, Issue 4, 443-466 doi:10.3934/energy.2014.4.461
LANGE, E. 1990: Vista Management in Acadia National Park.
Landscape and Urban Planning
19, 353-376.
LANGE, E. 1994: Integration of computerized visual Simulation and visual Assessment in environmental Planning.
Landscape and Urban Planning
30, 99-112.
LANGE, E. 1999: Von der analogen zur GIS-gestützten 3D-Visualisierung bei der Planung von Landschaften.
GIS Geo- Informationssysteme
, Vol. 12, 2, 29-37.
LANGE, E. 2001: The limits of realism: perceptions of virtual landscapes.
Landscape and Urban Planning
54, 163-182.
LANGE, E. 2001: Prospektive 3D-Visualisierungen der Landschaftsentwicklung als Grundlage für einen haushälterischen Umgang mit der Ressource Landschaft.
Natur und Landschaft
, 76 (12), 513-519.
LANGE, E. 2006: Our Landscape – A Shared and Limited Resource.
15 (3), 193–194.
LANGE, E. 2008: Our Shared Landscape. Design, Planning and Management of Multifunctional Landscapes.
Journal of Environmental Management
89 (3), 143-145.
LANGE, E. 2011: 99 volumes later: We can visualise. Now what?
Landscape and Urban Planning
100, 403-406. Special issue commemorating publication of the 100th volume of Landscape and Urban Planning.
LANGE, E. & I. BISHOP 2001: Our Visual Landscape: Analysis, Modelling, Visualization and Protection.
Landscape and Urban Planning
54, 1-3.
LANGE, E. & S. HEHL-LANGE 2005: Combining a Participatory Planning Approach with a Virtual Landscape Model for the Siting of Wind Turbines.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
48 (6), 833-852.
LANGE, E. & S. HEHL-LANGE 2006: Integrating 3D Visualisation in Landscape Design and Environmental Planning.
15 (3), 195–199.
LANGE, E. & S. HEHL-LANGE 2010: Citizen participation in the conservation and use of rural landscapes in Britain – the Alport Valley case study.
Landscape and Ecological Engineering
(7) 223–230. doi:10.1007/s11355-010-0115-2
LANGE, E. & S. HEHL-LANGE 2010: Making visions visible for long-term landscape management.
42 (7) 693–699.
BOESCH, M., C. TRIBELHORN & E. LANGE 2001: Lawinenschutz und Landschaftsbild. Beurteilung der Auswirkungen alternativer Massnahmen mit Hilfe der 3D Visualisierung.
VPK Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik
7 / 2001, 480-485.
HEHL-LANGE, S. & E. LANGE 1991: 700 years in 21 miles.
Landscape Architecture
Vol. 81, No. 10, 62.
HEHL-LANGE, S. & E. LANGE 1993: 2D3D4D.
2, 12-16.
HEHL-LANGE, S. & E. LANGE 1993: Digitale und analoge Visualisierung als Entscheidungshilfe in der Planung.
Informationshefte Raumplanung
3-4, 24-27.
LANGE, E. 1999: Moderne Werkzeuge für den Landschaftsschutz. 3D-Visualisierung als Diskussionsbasis bei Planungsfragen.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
, 22. 9. 1999, p. 79.
LANGE, E. 1999: Our Visual Landscape: Bemerkungen zur 'Conference on Visual Resource Management' auf dem Monte Verità und zur Stellung von Landschaftsbild und Landschaftsvisualisierung in Forschung und Praxis.
DISP, Dokumente und Informationen zur Schweizerischen Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung
139, 4-7.
LANGE, E. 1999: Our Visual Landscape. Conf. report.
4, 72.
LANGE, E. 1999: Meeting Report: 'Our Visual Landscape'.
IALE Bulletin
, Vol. 17, no. 6, Dec. 1999, 2-3. LANGE, E. 1999: Thema Visual Landscape.
Garten u. Landschaft
11, 9.
LANGE, E. 1999: Wie real sind virtuelle Landschaften?
Garten u. Landschaft
11, 14-17.
LANGE, E. 2001: Editorial. Special Issue Landschaftsvisualisierung.
VPK Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik
7 / 2001, 471.
LANGE, E. & J. B. BURLEY 2006: Our shared landscape conference: integrating ecological, socio-economic, and aesthetic aspects in landscape planning and management.
Landscape Journal
Vol. 25, Nr. 2, 260 - 261.
LANGE, E. & I. LEGWAILA 2012: Visual landscape research – overview and outlook.
Chinese Landscape Architecture
Vol. 28, 195/03, 5-14.
LANGE, E. & O. SCHROTH 2005: Partizipation in der Landschaftsentwicklung.
Garten und Landschaft
2/2005, 23-25.
LANGE, E., O. SCHROTH & U. WISSEN 2004: Fallbeispiele von 3D-Visualisierungen zur partizipativen Landschaftsentwicklung.
Geomatik Schweiz,
4, 246-249.
LANGE, E., U. WISSEN & O. SCHROTH 2005: Sich die Landschaft ausmalen. 3DVisualisierungen als Instrument für partizipative Planungen.
45, 10-14.
LINDQUIST, M. & E. LANGE 2013: Multisensory Experience in Landscape Architecture: From Landscape Visualization to Environmental Simulation.
Chinese Landscape Architecture
Vol. 29, 209/05, 17-21.
SCHMID, W. A., S. HEHL-LANGE & E. LANGE 1994: Ökologische Planung, Visualisierung von Landschaftsveränderungen.
Bulletin, Magazin der ETH Zürich
, Nr. 252, 15-17.
THOMA, M., G. WEBER & E. LANGE 2000: Die Wirkungen der Melioration auf die Landschaft. 3D-Visualisierung am Beispiel der Gemeinde Seewis im Prättigau.
VPK Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik
7 / 2000, 428-433.
ULM, K. & E. LANGE 2002: 3D-Visualisierung zur Beurteilung der Beeinträchtigung des Landschaftsbildes durch Windkraftanlagen.
VPK Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, ulturtechnik
12/ 2002, 716-719.
WANG, Y., R. YANG & E. LANGE 2013: Review on the Management System of National Parks in Great Britain. Chinese Landscape Architecture.
Chinese Landscape Architecture
Vol. 29, 213/09, 11-19.
BISHOP, I. & E. LANGE 2005 (eds.):
Visualization in Landscape and Environmental Planning. Technology and applications.
Taylor & Francis, London, New York, 296pp.
BUHMANN, E., P. PAAR, I. BISHOP & E. LANGE 2005 (eds.):
Trends in real-time landscape visualization and participation
. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 361 pp.
HEHL, S. & E. LANGE 1988:
Erstellen und UÅNberprüfen EDV-erzeugter Vegetationskarten
. TU Berlin, Landschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung, Sonderheft 2, 81pp.
LANGE, E. 1999:
Realität und computergestützte visuelle Simulation
. ORL-Berichte Nr. 106, VDF, Zürich, 176 pp.
LANGE, E. 2004:
Planning and Design of Real Landscapes with Virtual Environments
. Habilitation. ETH Zürich, 129 pp.
LANGE, E. & D. MILLER 2005 (eds.):
Our shared landscape. Integrating ecological, socioeconomic and aesthetic aspects in landscape planning and management
. NSL, Zürich, 171 pp.
Virtuelle Welten – Reale Entscheide? Die Alpen im Modellbaukasten
.VDF, Zürich, 124 pp.
Virtual Worlds – Real Decisions? The Alps in a Modeller’s Nutshell
. VDF, Zürich, 122 pp.
1988 Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge MA, USA
1993 2nd Prize, Best of GIS Images Award, GIS World / GIS Europe, together with Rodney Hoinkes (University of Toronto) and Sigrid Hehl-Lange (ETH Zürich). Published in GIS-World 12/92, pp. 62-63
1994 1st Prize, Best of GIS Images Award, GIS World / GIS Europe, together with Sigrid Hehl-Lange (ETH Zürich). Published in GIS-World 12/93, pp. 6+57
1997 2nd Prize Poster Competition, together with Sigrid Hehl-Lange (ETH Zürich). Angewandte geographische Informationsverarbeitung / AGIT 97, Salzburg, Austria
1999 Intergraph Prize of Excellence (Poster Award) GIS-Based Visualization of Landscape Change Our Visual Landscape: a Conference on Visual Resource Management. ETH Zürich / Ascona, 23. - 27. August 1999
1999 SGI Prizeof Excellence (Poster Award, together with Sigrid Hehl-Lange). Alternative Futures for the Surface Mining Site Jänschwalde, Niederlausitz Our Visual Landscape: a Conference on Visual Resource Management. ETH Zürich / Ascona, 23. - 27. August 1999
2004 Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) National Institute for Environmental Studies Social and Environmental Systems Division, Tsukuba, Japan March – May 2004
2005 Poster Award. Our Shared Landscape conference , Ascona, May, 2-6, 2005, with U. Wissen and W. A. Schmid
2005 1st prize for scientific contents (Poster Award). 6th International Conference on New Technologies in Landscape Architecture, Bauhaus Dessau, May 26 and 27, with I. Mambretti and W. A. Schmid
2006 Tewksbury Fellow, University of Melbourne
2008 Great Britain Sasakawa Fellowship, Japan
2010 Harbin Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, Harbin, China. 90 years / 90 savants. Honoured as one of 90 scholars during the 90th anniversary year
2010 Digital Landscape Architecture DLA 2010 Poster Award. Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, May 27 – 30, with I. Legwaila, J. Cripps
2010 Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, DLA 2010 Award for IT Research in Landscape Architecture (by vote of the conference participants), Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, May 27 – 30.
2011 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA).
2011 Excellence in Research & Creative Works Award First ever European recipient
2013 European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
2013 ECLAS Outstanding Researcher Award First ever recipient
2014 IGI Global's Sixth Annual Excellence in Research Journal Awards.Best paper in the Engineering category.
2014 China Construction News & International Landscape Design Industry Association.Design Innovation Award. The 4th International Landscape Planning & Design Competition.
2016 The Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture Award 2016, Scientific Excellence. Jointly with Paul Haynes. 17th International Conference on Information Technologies in Landscape Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1 – 3
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