• 姓       名:


    职       称:


    学       历:


    2016/7 - 至今,香港大学高密度健康城市研究中心,荣誉研究员
    2016/12 -至今,中国城市科学研究会新型城镇化与城乡规划研究专业委员会委员
    2016/12 -至今, 中国城市科学研究会健康城市研究专业委员会委员
    2020/12-至今, 国际区域研究协会中国分会委员(Regional Studies Association)
    2021/12-至今,《Transaction in Planning and Urban Research》 副主编

  • 主要工作经历及业绩

    2018/09- 2018/08, 上海市黄浦区规土局副局长

    2016/12- 至今, 同济大学,建筑与城市规划学院,副教授,硕士生导师

    2013/9- 2016/12, 同济大学,建筑与城市规划学院,讲师,硕士生导师

  • 文章

    [1]Xiao, Y., Orford, S., & Webster, C. J. (2016). Urban configuration, accessibility, and property prices: a case study of Cardiff, Wales. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 43(1), 108-129.

    [2]Xiao, Y., Webster, C., & Orford, S. (2016). Identifying house price effects of changes in urban street configuration: An empirical study in Nanjing, China. Urban Studies, 53(1), 112-131.

    [3]Xiao, Y., Webster, C., & Orford, S. (2016). Can street segments indexed for accessibility form the basis for housing submarket delineation?. Housing Studies, 31(7),829-851.

    [4]Xiao, Y. (2016). 'Book review: Water Urbanisms 2 - East.' Urban Studies 53(15): 442-443.

    [5]Xiao,Y., Li, Z., & Webster, C. (2016). Estimating the mediate effect of privately green space on the relationship between urban public green space and property value: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Land Use Policy, 54, 439-447.

    [6]Guo, Y., Xiao, Y., & Yuan, Q. (2016). The redevelopment of peri-urban villages in the context of path-dependent land institution change and its impact on Chinese inclusive urbanization: The case of Nanhai, China. Cities. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.05.010.

    [7]Xiao Y., Sarkar C., Webster C., Chiradia A. and Lu Y. (2017) Street network accesssibility-based metholodgy for appraisal land use master plan: empirical case study of Wuhan. Land Use policy

    [8]Xiao Y., Lu Y.,Guo Y. and Yuan Y.(2017) Estimating the willingness to pay for green space services in Shanghai: Implications for social equity in urban China, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 26, 95-103.

    [9]Lu, Y., Sarkar, C., Ye, Y., &Xiao, Y. (2017) 'Using the Online Walking Journal to explore the relationship between campus environment and walking behaviour.' Journal of Transport & Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2016.12.006

    [10]Lu, Y., Xiao, Y., & Ye Y. (2017). Urban density, diversity and design: Is more always better for walking? A study from Hong Kong. Preventive Medicine, DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.08.042

    [11]Xiao, Y., Wang, Z., Li, Z., & Tang Z. (2017). An assessment of urban park access in Shanghai - Implications for the social equity in urban China. Landscape and Urban Planning, DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.08.007

    [12]Wu M, Li Z, Xiao Y. study on spatial-temporal evolution of residential differentiation in Shanghai from an employee perspective[J]. China city planning review, 2018, 27(3): 6-15. (Corresponding Author)

    [13]Lu, Y., Sarkar, C., & Xiao, Y. (2018). The effect of street-level greenery on walking behavior: Evidence fromHong Kong. Social Science & Medicine, 208, 41-49.

    [14]Ouyang, W., Li, J., Tian, L., Jiang, Y., Xiao, Y., Hou, D., & Li, S. (2018). Examining the impacts of land useon cancer incidence through structural equation modeling: A case of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, China.Cities. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2018.05.014

    [15]Lu, Y.,Sun G., Sarkar, C., Gou, Z.,& Xiao, Y.(2018)Commuting Mode Choice in a High-Density City: Do Land-Use Density and Diversity Matter in Hong Kong?International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(5), 920. Https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15050920

    [16]Lu, Y., Gou, Z., Xiao, Y., Sarkar, C., & Zacharias, J. (2018). Do transit-oriented developments (TODs) and established urban neighborhoods have similar walking levels in Hong Kong?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(3), 555.

    [17]Xiao Y, Miao S, Sarkar C, et al. Exploring the Impacts of Housing Condition on Migrants’ Mental Health in Nanxiang, Shanghai: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2018, 15(2): 225.

    [18]Zhu, J., Zhu, M., & Xiao, Y. (2019). Urbanization for rural development: Spatial paradigm shifts toward inclusive urban-rural integrated development in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 71, 94-103. (Corresponding Author)

    [19]Liu, Y., Wang, R., Xiao, Y., Huang, B., Chen, H., & Li, Z. (2019). Exploring the linkage between greenness exposure and depression among Chinese people: Mediating roles of physical activity, stress and social cohesion and moderating role of urbanicity. Health & place, 58, 102168. (Corresponding Author)

    [20] Xiao, Y., Wang, D. and Fang, J. (2019). Exploring the disparities in park access through mobile phone data: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181(C), 80-91.

    [21]Shen, J. and Xiao, Y., 2019. Emerging divided cities in China: Socioeconomic segregation in Shanghai, 2000–2010. Urban Studies, p.0042098019834233. (Corresponding Author)

    [22]Li, L., & Xiao, Y. (2020). Capital accumulation and urban land development in China:(Re) making Expo Park in Shanghai. Land Use Policy, 104472. (Corresponding Author)

    [23]Xiao, Y., Miao, S., Sarkar, C., Fan, L., & Li, Z. (2020). Do neighborhood ties matter for residents' mental health in affordable housing: Evidence from Guangzhou, China. Cities, 100, 102666.

    [24]Xiao, Y., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Tao, P., & Kuang, X. (2020). Does Green Space Really Matter for Resident's Obesity? A New Perspective from Baidu Street View. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 332.

    [25]Miao, S., & Xiao, Y. (2020). Does Acculturation Really Matter for Internal Migrants’ Health? Evidence from Eight Cities in China. Social Science & Medicine, 113210. (Corresponding Author)

    [26]Wu, W., Yun, Y., Hu, B., Sun, Y., & Xiao, Y. (2020). Greenness, Perceived Pollution Hazards and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126796. (Corresponding Author)

    [27]Xiao, Y. , Miao, S. , & Sarkar, C. . (2020). Social ties, spatial migration paradigm, and mental health among two generations of migrants in china.

    [28]Xiao, Y., Wang, Y., Miao, S., & Niu, X. (2021). Assessing polycentric urban development in Shanghai, China, with detailed passive mobile phone data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2399808320982306.

    [29]Pan, Z., Liu, Y., Xiao, Y., & Li, Z. (2021). Social Polarization and Socioeconomic Segregation in Shanghai, China: Evidence from 2000 and 2010 Censuses. Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality, 171.

    [30]Xiao, Y., Miao, S. ,Zhang Y., & Wu,W. (2021). Exploring the Health Effects of Neighborhood Greenness on Lilong Residents in Shanghai , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.127383.

    [31]Xiao, Y. (2021). Theoretical perspectives on migration and mental health. Migration and health. The University of Chicago Press (Book Chapter)

    [32]Xiao, Y., Miao, S. ,Zhang Y., & Wu,W. (2021). Exploring the Associations Between Multi-type of Neighborhood Greenness and the Elderly’s Different Physical Activity in Shanghai, Journal of transport and health.

    [33]Xiao, Y., Chen, S., Miao, S., & YU, Y. Exploring the mediating effect of physical activities on built environment and obesity for elderly people: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 447.

    [34]He, S., Li, C., Xiao, Y., & Liu, Q. (2022). Examining neighborhood effects on residents’ daily activities in central Shanghai, China: Integrating “big data” and “thick data”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083221078307. (Corresponding Author)

    [35]Chen, L., Lu, Y., Ye, Y., Xiao, Y., & Yang, L. (2022). Examining the association between the built environment and pedestrian volume using street view images. Cities, 103734.

    [36]Chen, L., Zhao, L., Xiao, Y., & Lu, Y. (2022). Investigating the spatiotemporal pattern between the built environment and urban vibrancy using big data in Shenzhen, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 95, 101827.

    [37]Wu,W., Sun R., Yun Y., Xiao Y., Zhu Y. (2022). Excess commuting, rail access and subjective wellbeing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 111, 103440, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2022.103440.

  • 专著

    [1] Xiao Yang, “Urban Morphology and Housing Market.” [M]. Springer Press, 2017.

    [2] 肖扬,苗丝雨, “社会关系影响下的流动人口心理健康.” [M]. 同济大学出版社, 2019.

  • 科研项目

    [1] 国家社科基金面上项目, 19BSH035,《社区凝聚力对流动人口心理健康的影响机制与对策研究》, 2019/06-2022/6, 20万元, 结题, 主持。

    [2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 41501170,《中国“全球城市”社会极化与空间分异研究: 以上海为例》, 2016/01-2018/12, 20万元, 结题, 主持。

    [3] 国家社科基金重大项目, 16ZDA017,《城市关联网络视角下长江经济带发展战略研究》,2017/01-2020/12,80万元,结题,参与。

    [4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51608368,《服务水平法在城市公园系统规划中的应用研究》,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,结题,参与。

    [5] 国家自然科学基金面优青项目,41422103,《城市空间演化机制与效应》, 2015/01-2018/12,100万元,结题,参加。

    [6] NSFC-JPI_UE(中欧)合作研究项目,71961137006,《为明天城市的清洁空气融资: 通过土地增值回馈确保城市可持续发展、提高城市空气质量的潜力》, 2019/03-2022/02,200万元,在研、参加。


  • 获奖


    2017年《Urban Morphology and housing Market》荣获上海市版权“走出去”扶持项目

    2017年 美国明尼苏达大学全球教育奖






