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    风景学林学硕士/ 工学博士




    《Landscape Research》《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》《Journal of Urban Affairs》《建筑遗产》《风景园林》期刊审稿人

  • 主要工作经历及业绩




  • 主要论著

    [1]Yun J, Liu H*. Spatial Syntax Analysis of the Evolution of the Water System and Garden Distribution Relationship in Suzhou: 13th–20th Centuries[J]. Buildings, 2023, 13(7): 1703.

    [2]Yun J*, Chen Z. On two sides of a clear stream: Gender-based differences in the awareness of spatial design in the Humble Administrator’s Garden in the 18th and 19th centuries[J]. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2023, DOI:10.1080/13467581.2023.2205478

    [3]Yun J, Kim J*. Emulating and transcending literati gardens: landscape design of the Plum Villa, the garden of a literatus-merchant[J]. Landscape Research, 2023,

    DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2023.2201491

    [4]Yun J*, Kim J. Sociocultural factors of the late Ming and early Qing Chinese garden landscape, based on philosophies seen in Yuanye, Zhangwuzhi, and Xianqingouji[J]. Landscape Research, 2019, 44(2): 174-185.

    [5]Yun J, Yu W, Wang H*. Exploring the distribution of gardens in Suzhou city in the Qianlong Period through a space syntax approach[J]. Land, 2021, 10(6): 659.

    [6] 云嘉燕,陈徵羽.基于乳鱼亭尺寸框格分析的苏州艺圃植物造景理法演变[J].中国园林,2022,38(12):127-132.

    [7] 云嘉燕,王浩*.真实与幻境:镜像理论视域下的清初淑媛倪仁吉构园研究[J].风景园林,2022,29(05):130-134.

    [8] 云嘉燕,王浩*.晚明清初淑媛倪仁吉香草园意匠及其女性特质[J].中国园林,2021,37(05):133-138.

  • 专著

    [1] 云嘉燕(独著专著). 传统园林文化与新兴园林文化比较研究:明末清初苏州园林的文化政治学. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2019. ISBN: 978-7-112-23341-0

    [2] 李明凖著,云嘉燕译(译著). 画的景观:绘图视角下的景观设计史. 南京:东南大学出版社,2022. ISBN:978-7-5766-0259-3

  • 科研项目

    [1] 2021.06-2023.01,中国博士后基金,清代江南女性诗词中的园林形象研究,编号2021M691603,主持,已结题

    [2] 2017.03-2018.02, 韩国首尔大学亚细亚研究所博士论文基金, Cultural politics in the gardens of Suzhou: Social change and the expansion of garden culture during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, 编号SNU2017 (PD) 0708,主持,已结题


    [3] 2019.01-2021.12, 国家重点研发计划课题, 乡村植物景观营造及应用技术研究, 编号2019YFD1100404,参与,已结题

    [4] 2021.08-2023.1,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,三维激光扫描点云的最优向量场构造及其在点云分割中的研究,编号62102184,参与,已结题

    [5] 2014.03~2016.02, Seoul National University Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, BK21 Plus基金, Global leadership Program towards Innovative Green Infrastructure,参与,已结题

  • 获奖

    [1] “ScienceFather” 2023年国际学术最佳研究者奖


    [3] 2022全国风景园林专业10+高校联合毕业设计,优秀指导教师,教育部高等学校建筑类教学指导委员会-风景园林专业教学指导分委员会

    [4] 2018溪田杯南京林业大学稻草景观设计与营建竞赛,优秀指导教师,南京林业大学

    [5] 2017, Outstanding Paper Award, International Symposium on Culture, Arts, and Literature. (获奖论文:Jiayan Yun. Landscape Identity and the Bridge Landscapes in the Water Towns of Jiangnan from 16th to early 19th Century China.)

    [6] 2015, 优秀奖, 韩国首尔大学国际协力本部(协助首尔大学与清华大学、北京大学交流)